Twilight Crafts is proud to be part of the Quilter’s trail held during the month of April. The launch of 2011’s Quilter’s Trail is on Saturday, 12th March. The theme this year is “At the beach”. So to launch 2011’s Quilter’s Trail we will be having bunch and beachwear on Saturday, 12th March from 10:00pm.
Passports will be issued on the day (you need a passport and be registered to participate in the quilt trail and be in the draw for some fabulous prizes). Twilight craft will have two buses. The project this year covers all aspects of piecing, embroidery and appliqué. Each shop will give you 25cms (or a fat quarter) and part of the pattern for your personal use (min purchase $10.00 to receive a free gift).
RSVP TO THIS EVENT AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT on the DAY!!! (on Facebook or phone the shop 07 5424 2870)
RSVP ~ I am coming to the Launch At the beach Party and receive a FREE gift!!
Quilters' Trail
Join in the fun and friendship – gather a group of friends and set out on a journey to nine of the best southeast Queensland Quilt Shops. From the April 1st to 30th each shop will be on the lookout for Quilt ‘Trailers’ – carrying your special passport will ensure you receive the VIP treatment.
You need to arrange a passport so you’ll be ready to go in April. Passports will be available after the 15th of March at the participating shops. You have until the end of April to complete your tour of all nine shops. At each shop when you make a purchase you get your Passport stamped and when you spend $10 or more you even receive a FREE GIFT!